Wednesday, January 18, 2012

DIY Yard Cup Holder

I love to work in the yard and I love to drink coffee while working in the yard. The problem seems to be that like all yards, the ground of mine is uneven. I was intrigued by an ad I saw in a magazine (here are some others:, for a "yard cup holder of sorts".  With this inspiration I set out to find a way to make my own.

I have a few pegboard loop hooks laying around the shop (you could use any metal rod you have although I would not recommend coat hangers unless you plan on holding  plastic cups) that looked like they would make a good sturdy structure

 I started by bending the rods using a combination of vise grips and a vise.  I used my coffee mug as a form and checked the parts with a few of my regular drink containers for a good fit.

 Once I got the correct shapes I cut the rods that contained multiple parts with my Dremel.
Last steps are to JB Weld the parts,  prime and paint

And here is the final product in action


Dawn said...

Awesome! I need one for indoors.

Dawn said...

Oh, I pinned it on Pinterest too